The weather makes it very easy to get accustomed to be on the other side of the world again for it is about as tropical in Zürich as it was in Cairns. After I get rid of some stuff I don't want to carry with me anymore I quickly head for the mountains. I can hardly wait and on the first day I already cycle one of my favorite passes, the Klausen. Of course I know all the routes I ride here but I am curious how I will see them after such a long time away.

Mostly I notice all the fountains. In every village and almost on every square there is a fountain with fantastic fresh water running. Just like that, constantly and no one even thinks of turning it ever off. After a year on the driest continent this is an almost unbelievable sight. For me it seems to be the biggest luxury there is.

Slowly I am getting used to the sound of cow bells, the smell of coniferous forest and the simple fact that once I leave a village I am already getting to the next again. Most I like the diversity. Within a few days I travel through the Glarnerland, Surselva, Tessin, Oberwallis, Entlebuch and the Berner Oberland. Such a variety of languages, cultures and landscapes is truly fantastic.

If there had been any need for a confirmation that I am really back in Switzerland, today I got that. When I cycle the walking trail to the Kleine Scheidegg, quite some mountain joggers actually overtake me, while training for the Jungfrau Marathon. Somehow this is good like that. For a long time I have now always been in the center of attention, everybody always curious what I am doing. Here I am just one of many others.

Even after such a long trip I am still not tired of cycling. Quite the contrary, I very much enjoy cycling over all the passes: Klausen, Oberalp, Lukmanier, Nufenen, Grimsel, Brünig, Glaubenbielen, Schallenberg, Kleine Scheidegg, Grosse Scheidegg and Susten I cycle on my way home.

Saturday, 31st of july 2010, the 830th day of this trip. In picture-perfect weather I cycle along the Vierwaldstättersee towards Lucerne. It is a very emotional moment when I arrive there. Many thanks to all those who came to welcome me there!

And so this journey comes to an end. For me the adventure of getting used to everyday life at home starts now. Many thanks for all of you who followed my travels. Till the next time...